When you are already utilizing ways to gain new insurance customers such as inbound client calling, why would you think to give away anything for free?
The idea of giving away products or information for free in business usually isn’t a good idea. However, when it comes to giving away information, in return for leads it can be a very good idea. Customers are always looking for the best deal when it comes to auto insurance, and by giving out free auto insurance quotes, you are not only giving the customer what they want you are collecting their information and beginning a new insurance lead.
Look at free auto insurance quotes as a form of marketing. You are giving customers something they want. In exchange, they are giving you something you want, information and a reason to contact them again. If you give them a free auto quote, they can only take that information and think about what insurer they want to work with. But you have the ability and information to:
- Follow up
- Tell them why they want to work with you
- See what their other insurance needs might be that you could help with
- Check back in 6 months to a year to see if they would like to switch to you
When your agency gives away free auto insurance quotes you are also providing a way of tracking for your company. In a post from Insurancejournal.com, Jeff Yates, Agents Council for Technology, says that all growing insurance agencies track where every new piece of business is coming from, so they know which marketing efforts are paying off. By tracking how many customers you are gaining by giving away free automotive quotes you will know, (1) which demographics to target with the quotes, and (2) if giving away free auto quotes is even working for your agency.
A final thought about how offering free automotive quotes can help grow your insurance business, is because everyone is doing it. But the catch is, to do it better than everyone else. Last week I posted about how to set yourself apart from other insurance agencies, so take the idea of a free auto insurance quote and see how you can make it better and unique to your agency. This could be done through customer service, prompt calling or something as different as reaching out to the customer on social media right after you send them their free auto quote. Anything you can do to set yourself apart, while still providing the customer with what they are looking for can only help your business grow.